Sunday, November 30, 2008

Araullo High School - Class '59 Pearl Anniversary Reunion

These photos (courtesy of Josie Dionisio-Salonga) were taken some twenty years ago during our Pearl Anniversary Reunion early in 1989...if anyone had asked me if I was part of this happy occasion, I might have said no (I have near-zero recollection of this event!) but pictures are very persuasive indeed.
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Mini-reunion - Bergenfield, NJ

South of the border they are called 'gringoes' - our classmates Ted Bontia, Armand Arbolante, Bellie Narvaez, Frank Lazaro and Jose Jaime de la Rosa got together for a Mini-reunion in... well, closer to the North Bergenfield New Jersey. What did they talk about? Nothing really, they simply wanted to check out Frank's house and maybe even get him to sing a couple of memorable sounds...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Well now...heres a nice little memorabilia from our COTC buddy, Romy Arcangel escorting this pretty young thing - formerly known as Deanna Respicio. As I recall, she would have been a junior (3rd year) during our time as Cadet Officers.
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